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The Impact of Sunglasses on Fashion Trends and Consumer Behavior in the USA


1. Introduction

Businesses often explore the impact of fashion trends on consumer behavior in order to produce products reflecting prevailing consumer trends. The economic impact of nationwide trends for a wide range of consumer products is a well-researched area of modern marketing. The motive for the current study arises from the observation that both black and multicolored lenses of sunglasses have become very popular in the USA over the past few years, far surpassing the traditionally most popular brown lenses. With sunglass sales of various styles and colors in the USA currently running at a rate of nearly 100 million dollars annually, businesses are showing concern about the means of producing frames that are able to turn on the equipment designed to produce such styles quickly and efficiently.

Our presentation also analyzes the influences of characteristic sunglasses' product properties such as gender - for whom are sunglasses produced, color - how much visible light, if any, they block and how they influence the perception of illumination of the world, and material - of what the sunglasses are constructed based on observed consumer behavior. The purpose is to understand how the demand for specific lenses varies between the states, specifically if, what color, and when consumers vary their demand, showing an understanding of consumer behavior in referenced lights. Developed predictions are largely tested and supported, as presented. It is noteworthy that other related investigations are absent from the economic, social, and tourism or geographical literature. We feel that this doctoral research in the business fields contributes to reducing this gap and understanding the interaction between these different fields concerning society and a related aspect, like the perception of illumination of the world.

2. Historical Evolution of Sunglasses in Fashion

Research has shown that the primary function of sunglasses is to protect the eyes against excessive sunlight that may cause discomfort. Persons who spend long periods in the sun should wear sunglasses to alleviate temporary or permanent damage to the eyes. Currently, this is still the most important function. The functions of sunglasses include protecting a person's eyes from piercing sunlight and ultraviolet rays, as well as enhancing appearance and style when worn in public. The use of sunglasses began around the time when they were developed for flight and glare protection. The anti-glare function of sunglasses was discovered by film studio professionals who used smoke-painted glasses to shield their eyes from the sun. Shortly afterward, Hollywood stars began to wear these glasses, and mass-produced sunglasses became popular.

Sunglasses with polarization became available after World War II. The sun produces a lot of glare, especially after the war. They developed sunglasses with polarizing lenses that protect pilots from glare. This had a good effect, leading to the founding of a professional company specializing in the production of polarized lenses. The invention of pilot sunglasses, known as Aviators, remains one of the most enduring styles. Then, Hollywood actors began to embrace these glasses. Today, sunglasses are not just hot-selling items in the United States; they are also popular in the luxury and fashion goods category worldwide. Sunglasses symbolize overall fashion, health, and luxury. People wear sunglasses more than ever today, and a good pair can protect the eyes from piercing sunlight and harmful ultraviolet rays. Sunglasses for individuals, both men and women, in the United States have created a social trend among consumers of different ages.

2.1. Early History of Sunglasses

The earliest surviving examples of the use of sunglasses as a fashion tool are in the Renaissance, depicted in art. The Roman emperor Nero watched gladiatorial games wearing green lenses, for example. Such lenses were also beginning to assume a scientific character before 1600. By the 18th century, experiments were being made with colored glass. During the very late 1700s, experimenting scientists in Europe began to find colored glasses that could remove the burning rays from the sun. These had blunt rims and were described as an early kind of mirror and contained a waxy substance to protect the eyes from the sun. In 1756, James Ayscough was experimenting with clear green lenses that would filter out colors and the harmful ultraviolet rays. He was the first to propose that glasses should be designed for different sides of the sun and that people should wear sunglasses, from which we get the modern concept of an eyeglass frame, although glasses were not widely used until much later.

2.2. Sunglasses in the 20th Century

Manifested as not only a necessity to protect eyes from the sun's harmful rays, sunglasses are used to enhance the wearer's looks or disguise the person behind the lens. The 20th century saw enormous development of sunglasses as a fashion accessory with the emergence of fashion trends and the use of sunglasses in different social groups. Sunglasses were initially designed for the military and for special recreational activities like mountaineering, skiing, and long-distance travel. These original functions emphasized eye protection, and style was a secondary consideration. Once sunglasses became a popular accessory, attention shifted from just eye protection to a concern for appearance. Major sunglasses manufacturers began to expand their product lines. Trends developed as products began to reflect changes related to existing fashion crazes. People interested in fashion would soon demand new shapes, new colors, and new sizes, making sunglasses a visible fashion accessory. During the 20th century, sunglasses became identifiable components of both social and fashion statements. They were no longer just functional devices that offered protection, but powerful symbols of association. Sunglasses began to reflect social movements and imitate the look of fashion icons. The revolutionary decades of the 20th century reflected the strong politically, intellectually, and artistically motivated culture within modern society. Over the four crucial decades of the 20th century, many of the democratic, establishment-critical aspects began to find their public in subcultures. Subcultures tended to question the normality of everyday life and express their discomfort with the establishment. Policemen, rock stars, and movie stars adopted sunglasses as part of their 'style,' creating a trendy following group.

3. Role of Celebrities and Influencers in Popularizing Sunglasses

The sheer number of stars who opt to make their income from modeling sunglasses is probably quite telling in terms of how profitable some sunglasses businesses can be. During the 1990s, celebrities were at the focal point of popular culture, and their endorsement of certain sunglasses made the items a must-have among fans of these celebrities. The more celebrities support a specific brand, the more likely their fans will purchase that brand. Though brand association is by no means linked to quality, the brand's image becomes reinforced by the perception of said celebrity's style and image, which is paramount to the overall recognition and identity of the specific brand being endorsed by a celebrity. The endorsement of brands by celebrities seems to largely work because of the consumer's inclination to affiliate themselves with these stars, and sunglasses brands seem to have mirrored the success that other luxury goods have in the industry. However, even if they can't sample the star's every move in life, fans like to feel they share common ground with the celebrity; it's as if by wearing sunglasses, the consumer can feel part of the star's life, like a close friend or confidante.

When stars wear high fashion sunglasses, frequently designed exclusively for them, it makes an enormous statement about that star. It's not about just the lens style; they are more than mere eye protectors; they give the impression of being to the planet about us like our calling cards. The direct consequence of this, of course, is that these sunglasses, as worn by the stars, also turn into extremely desirable. People look at these famous personalities as a model of success, and frequently style and fashion go hand in hand with popularity; and what makes a personality famous but eye-catching and in-vogue sunglasses. Sunglasses manufacturers and stores capitalize on that star power when offering their sunglasses. The most successful producers and stores will oftentimes even donate to the star's pet charities and causes, helping the star and themselves stand apart from the mass of publicity that goes with various sporting pursuits, film shoots, and award events.

4. Fashion Trends and Styles in Sunglasses

Although sunglasses may often look the same to many people, a variety of fashion trends and styles are associated with them. Sunglasses styles often change as rapidly as fashion trends change in the fashion world. What is "hot" today can be very "square" tomorrow. Consumers often purchase sunglasses on the basis of fashion trends without considering the beneficial and necessary aspects of sun protection. Fashion trends can influence the barriers associated with the adoption of innovative sunglass lens and frame technologies, such as comfort and fit issues attached to a sunglass style. Sunglass fashions are heavily influenced by the retail fashion industry that presents trendy sunglasses via runway, fashion shows, and advertisements. Most sunglasses available at retail stores are for the fashion designer's season, usually a six-month period. Fashion sunglasses are created to be different and to provide a luxury appearance to the fashion-conscious customer. Strong branding makes customers easily recognize the sunglasses on display and is often what prompts a patron to purchase them. Brands select colorations and sunglass frame and lens shapes desirable to the consumer, resulting in the potential to influence consumer choice. Several factors, such as celebrity endorsements and movies, also help put "must have" labels on certain sunglasses. Sunglasses become a product of desire and have become so much more than a product that simply performs a function. Branding has played a huge role in altering perceptions of consumers who originally merely sought sunglass frames for function but who now also require designer awareness.

4.1. Aviator Sunglasses

Aviator sunglasses are the top seller worldwide and are having a rapid rise in the USA. They are most preferred by Americans over any other sunglasses. The reason for the fast growth in the sales of aviator sunglasses is their appeal to all age groups. Three out of ten boys and two girls in the age group of 12-20 own a pair. Aviator sunglasses are bilateral symmetrical metal frame glasses characterized by bayonet earpieces and cable temples wrapping around the ears for more support. Their lens size is much bigger than their eye size.

There are seven types of aviator sunglasses: classic, mirrored, polarized, fashion aviator sunglasses for women, exact replicas of military sunglasses with bayonet earpieces, and wraparounds with the same lens shape and broad metal top and side rims. Their mirrored and polarized lens coatings are designed to reduce reflected glare and protect the eyes from severe eyestrain. The difference in the six styles of aviator sunglasses is only the minute lens variations and the color. They exist in a myriad of colors such as yellow, green, blue, gray, glacier blue, and orange. Their size varies from 52mm to 62mm. The nationwide average price for aviator sunglasses ranges from $14 to $75. Any lens size above this range is a specialty item. When a pair of aviator sunglasses is selected with a size above this range, the price is negotiable.

4.2. Cat-Eye Sunglasses

The upswept look in ladies' sunglasses arrived in the early 60s with the cat-eye pointy extensions, originating in Gramont frames, and adding the cheekbone outline to the customer's face. The 50s cat-eye style pointy prescription glasses for ladies created an excitement that has never died away to this day. In the 1960s, the V-shaped pairs of lens rims were streamlined into an almost circular or oval shape that contemporary women find very seductive. The shape of the Vinton pairs directed the cat-eye trend into today's curvy fashion classic that women appreciate very much in today's sunglasses styles. They suppressed the long middle section that stretched the lens rims. No one protested, and today long lens rims have become standard with a circular or square structure. Any feminine figure looks beautiful in them, so we shall always see this popular fashion model worn by our talented models.

Ladies have belonged to the cat-eye sunglasses for 20 years following the revolutionary sunglasses explosion. But due to their evergreen nature, this year, the cat-eye sunglasses join the trendsetting 2024's initial sunglass show awaiting their connoisseur. Since 2014, they have been marching into the arena, but nobody until this date has tried to put the camera in their grace. There is no other cat-eye classic, so we can have no replicas to pick among, and as witnesses can only talk about the available selection. As the fashion magazines discuss every stylish sunglass, in these popping and darkening tunnels, we shall have the best prototype of all today's models.

4.3. Round Sunglasses

Round sunglasses refer to those that have lenses designed to resemble the frame. Round sunglasses can have any number of adornments as part of the frame, but they will always have lenses that are circular. From the first time round sunglasses were used, they were typically used to denote the creative, the abundant, the imaginative, or the rebellious members of society. These are all positive attributes, making round sunglasses more or less instantly attractive to consumers. They are used to help the sense of an individual being special, as confirmed by all the historical notes noting that artistic, creative, and positive people like to wear round sunglasses, thereby reinforcing this tie. Women play a big role with round sunglasses. They appreciate the quirkiness of the fashion accessory and the messages in the historic and literary references. Perhaps not so much as their male counterparts, creativity, positive thinking, and an artistic edge are still appreciated by the profile of the people who distribute the messages to the world through their statements. Painters, writers, musicians, or filmmakers are usually the role models for the stories published every day. The round sunglasses are a throwback to the original, free, and bohemian period. Ever since the first time round sunglasses were adopted by the attention of the national and international press, they have always taken pride in telling an imaginative story. The number of limelight appearances over what has been well over 35 years is too numerous to provide a list here; certainly, the newspaper regards a good story as one of the long-term values for their target audiences when they take the time to ink and publish it. With the thousands of daily stories that make the news, the publishing of information about the myth and tradition, romantic and bohemian lifestyle is considered relevant by magazine and newspaper organizations. The individuals who adopt round sunglasses are perceived as more than just consumers. They are considered an elite group because they have a sense of inner beauty. This allows women to differentiate themselves from the ordinary and helps to separate them from the crowd. For these reasons, round sunglasses have been an instant hit in the global market.

5. Technological Innovations in Sunglasses

The use of new plastic lens materials and advanced styling in sportswear similarly focuses on the specific sport group. As they appeared in 1947 and became increasingly accepted as fashionable accessories, sunglasses represented a better usage of new and improved lens styles to promote sales volumes. At the beach or by the pool, specifically styled glasses became a must for adults and had a fascination for young people. On the other hand, sunglass lenses throughout the decade became commercially available in various shades of gray and green as well as amber.

The sportswear sharing accounts for occasional and frequent games, while fashion wear ranges from high fashion to casual sportswear and related fashions. Sunglasses and goggles have been tailored to the needs of this wearer segment using lightweight frames and distortion-free lenses made of shatterproof and continuous plastics to avoid danger during activity. Prescription sunwear, performed on a personalized lens purpose with instructions, was provided to meet the needs of both the athlete and fashion-sensitive market groups in photochromatic lenses and large oversized frames. For wearers who repeatedly moved through different light strength environments, the photochromatic lens was particularly handy. During leisure use, high style was considered a must, and the oversized black plastic frame underwent its greatest popularity in the mid-1950s. Additionally, in ophthalmic fashions of the day, the white plastic frame re-emerged. The rimless frame never attracted the general public's curiosity, but preferences changed, and this square frame was initially planned for sports. For ophthalmic behavior, various frames were created.

6. Sunglasses as a Status Symbol

Sunglasses are an indicator of people’s social position and their status in society. They are a part of a person’s ‘social’ clothing. Sunglasses have become an important aid in the ability of a person to control their image in society. Sunglasses are a practical device and are also status symbols, an advertisement of desired personal attributes, social abilities, or worldly accomplishments or lifestyle. Other studies suggest that consumers do not wear high-priced sunglasses as a result of their necessity to reduce glare or ultraviolet radiation. Instead, consumers are more likely to wear stylish glasses and logos representing the brands of the rich, famous, and glamorous members of society. Sunglasses are assumed to make people look and feel better about themselves, to increase sophistication and allure, to impose distance from people with whom the wearer does not want to make contact, to mutely express indifference, to convey remoteness, to create an awakening effect, or to establish mystery. Sunglasses have become the focus of images of glamorous lifestyles, whether worn as a status symbol, a luxury fashion accessory, or a fashion statement to express individuality with a distinctive edge. These symbols are tools for creating social identity and conveying meaning to others.

7. Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Sunglasses in Fashion

Psychological and sociological aspects of sunglasses have already been discussed in the previous pages. However, in this chapter, we will analyze new data and reveal new findings. Based on conducted analyses, we can assert that consumers understand the message that sunglasses send to others. They believe that people can indicate their level of interest and attitude towards others with the help of sunglasses. However, it is necessary to mention again that not all people are able to read signals that designers put in their models, and therefore it is better to use different models to satisfy the needs of diversified target markets for sunglasses. These signals influence the choice of sunglasses for concrete occasions. Furthermore, in varying situations, some functions and roles are added to usual physical and psychological ones.

It can be asserted that nowadays consumers react to sunglasses as they do to any other kind of fashionable clothing. Occasions influence the necessity of wearing sunglasses and, in general, decision-making. For parties or informal meetings, people can choose glasses with unusual shapes, styles, or colors. As one of the consumers has said, in the summer, "routine sunglasses" are used, and for trips to the sea, there is a need to have more than one pair. Seasonality, fashion, age, and degree of fashion awareness influence the indicators of attitudes and behavior towards sunglasses. In some cases, a substitute could be considered, such as at the seaside, where it is more acceptable not to use sunglasses at all, but another kind of protection for the eyes, i.e., darkened non-prescription lenses on interchangeable contact lenses for swimming, which could very well be a profitable niche to exploit.

7.1. Identity Expression

There are several functions for sunglasses apart from providing protection for the eyes and delicate skin around them. The use of luxury sunglasses for personal and fashion identity expression is an aspect that is rarely explored, which usually focuses on sunglass usage for eye safety. This research provides evidence for the use of sunglasses in identity expression, showing that people use fashion items to modify their appearance either temporarily or to reinforce their authentic identity. A case study of New York demonstrates that fashion trends related to luxury sunglasses change over time.

The factors that explain the selection and wearing of luxury sunglasses can be summarized as identity expression and differentiation, peer influence, satisfaction with luxury items, attention to quality, fashion sense, and body shape consideration. Brand association has mostly been identified as the extraction of personal identity; identity expression and differentiation are the most influential drivers of fashion item selection and wearing. It is in this aspect that luxury items add relative value for consumers as they contribute to individual identity expression and provide differentiation, making the possessor stand out from the crowd. The results support the role of luxury sunglasses within fashion systems and show that product purchases of fashion accessories, such as luxury sunglasses, contribute to personal identity construction and aid self-expression. This study highlights that the selection of luxury sunglasses involves a number of factors beyond wearers’ satisfaction and reflects the dimension of personal and fashion identity expression.

7.2. Social Norms and Conformity

Social norms play a central role in consumers' behavior. Sunglasses have experienced significant development since the 1950s, from simple disguising the eyes to a fundamental component of the 21st-century outfit. The increasing use of sunglasses in closed and crowded environments is evidence of the transformation of sunglasses from a summer prop to a standard outfit. Current U.S. business literature mostly covers the design and popular names of sunglasses. Glasses serve to disguise the users' psychological state. The study into the socio-demographic components behind the choice of these fashion accessories is ongoing. The present study experimentally investigates the social and objective factors determining the use of sunglasses.

The concept of snobbism and the conformity effect has been discussed in consumer behavior. Empirical evidence has shown that fashion descends from the high social strata to the lower ones to influence. California is a popular trendsetter in the U.S. The state takes pride in its climatic and locational conditions, which require an active lifestyle. These states and their residents are socially liberal and active in representing modern U.S. subcultures. The Californian population is also a financial influencer over other states. These factors combine with attractive glasses to make sunglasses a social fashion accessory in California during any time of the year.

8. Marketing Strategies and Advertising Campaigns

Fragmentation of the market for sunglasses has led to the use of different marketing approaches and techniques. However, uniting everyone under the well-known brand is often the best way out. Branding is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy and the basis of a long-term relationship between business and consumer. Glasses that are the best in terms of quality and design will keep a customer purchasing if the brand is successfully supported by derivative products and reassurance campaigns. Branding powers the necessary consumer recognition and preference in making the customer’s choice. Taking into account the host of market data available, one can easily be intimidated—there is so much to drill into. Most of the promising techniques have a history of providing some of the best responses and business profit ever driven. The decision is certainly made easier by knowing what strategies and tools are used. To develop the strategic plan in the sphere of marketing and advertising, one needs a clear and detailed understanding of the opportunities and trends in the market, and the strategies employed by the competitors. These can be determined in several ways. The basic information includes the basic market data, advertising trends spending, main media types, promotional tools, TV viewing, print and related co-viewing and listening trends, and unique trade insights about the most valuable time of the day, best day of the week, the best season or special occasion of the year, best conditional discounting, and so on. Based on this information, the advertising campaign will definitely reflect the consistent strategies. Key strategies for selling glasses include direct relationships, anonymous relationships, and behind-the-veil algorithms. By recoding business ideas through a layered modeling method covering the premises, goals, key ideas, principles, strategies, and tactics, it is possible to evaluate the plan's integrity of a marketing or advertising effort. Advertising functions are advanced-level marketing responsibilities of the top units in any organization. The ad function focuses on specifying the product needs using the communication tools with high consumer rewards. A correctly applied ad can help know the measure of satisfaction or dissatisfaction for a given company's product or services. As the victorious brand will be the one that solves the consumer’s problem, advertising must send a clearly perceived product performance image. Consumer response to advertising behavior itself suits critical evaluation. Consumer cost and product weight are clearly the advertising equation variables to be immediately estimated. Key variables lead to the categorization of amazing protection, and new products from other producers. Advertising methods change as the customer's implied preferences diverge from tangible differences. A million ways have been developed to persuade producers of disposable products that this is the wrong field to compete in. However, if the manager is not giving the lesson, the view to show the customer base the errors but buy an ad in a search magazine will not show more than a loss to the manufacturer’s products. If all the communication models could be predicted where the number of marketing planning subsystems would also be represented, the plan could no longer be based on gut decisions.

9. Consumer Behavior and Decision-Making in Purchasing Sunglasses

Fashion and trends are cultivated by brands and the images these brands establish to attract individual consumers and the community. With the fashion industry establishing advertising attributes to sunglasses, consumer behavior is influenced by the desires fashion has contributed to this consumer. Effects are evident as to why particular models of sunglasses are purchased, where the product was bought, and the influences involved. Social and physical factors directed at female teenagers in particular expose the market to these same fashion trends and the consumer decisions made for the reasons behind purchasing. It has perpetually been a topic of concern, especially among females, to go beyond peer pressure and clarify why the selection is made.

The literature presented reveals the spending decisions encompassed by this segment of the population. Select areas include fashion trends, consumer behavior, informational sources used, and cosmetic attributes associated with purchasing designer sunglasses. As diverse as consumer behavior is within the retail market, the range of prices for the sunglasses designed by manufacturers broadens the market even further. Significant findings through the study of numerous teenagers discovered that the more they were exposed to designer sunglasses, the stronger the desire to purchase them. More teenagers are wearing genuine branded or fake sunglasses to fit the fashion trend, and their motivation is not only attributed to a personal decision but also to social factors that play a role in the influence behind the purchase.

9.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decisions

More than just a complement to one's external appearance, factors related to product design determine customers' preferences and purchasing behavior regarding sunglasses. Customer spending habits are changing when considering the purchase of sunglasses, but the quality of products and exclusive designs are the determining factors. Sunglass production has been restored, and advanced materials are used together with technological resources to create advancements in marketing planning and implementation through the use of new digital targeting media that match the needs, tastes, and expectations of each target. More than just basic product promotion, entrepreneurs run and make materials available that also inform, create, and strengthen new habits and fashion trends.

For style to be part of the sales process, external investments in marketing are necessary in a constant marketing plan to monitor changing or anticipating consumer tastes. The predominant habit is to be informed of lifestyle changes and beliefs that shape the personality of the consumer. Consumers want to externalize feelings that can provide functional and psychological benefits, even when there are no products specifically focused on delivering benefits. These actions are not just a change due to fast advertising campaigns, but it is also necessary to restructure the old industry sales model, seeking reconnection with the new consumer. Actions and resources should prioritize customers who desire to add uniqueness and distinctiveness to their lives.

9.2. Brand Loyalty and Perception

The impact of sunglasses on fashion trends and consumer behavior in the USA provides a concise discussion of various aspects in relation to the influence and economic significance of sunglasses in the USA. The book covers fashion innovation and fashion trends; types of sunglasses related to materials; the symbolic role of sunglasses; marketing strategies that are utilized in promoting sunglasses; the different shades of colors and how each of them affects the eyes; price and non-price competition of sunglasses; and conclusions and suggestions. The book is suitable for students studying courses in business, fashion design, and marketing, as well as those who are interested in the latest sunglasses market trend in the American market. The comparison of marketing strategies utilized by different brands is also appealing to scholars in business, marketing, and fashion.

Brand loyalty is an area of consumer behavior research that explains why consumers will repeatedly purchase the same brand and why they will remain brand loyal even when there is an economic incentive to change brands. The term brand loyalty has been defined in many different ways. Some experts view brand loyalty not just as repeat sales but as an enduring preference for one brand over another. Brand loyalty is where consumers direct their income to purchase the products of a specific brand regularly.

10. Gender and Sunglasses

There are generally few differences between men and women in the effect of sunglasses adoption upon subsequent behavior. Sunglasses are now a fashion accessory for both men and women. Both find that sunglasses provide them with an impersonal appearance when they are in public. Men are equally likely as women to adopt a friend's suggestions when selecting new glasses, and men who have recently purchased glasses are as likely as women who have recently purchased glasses to have purchased additional sunglasses. The loss of a pair of glasses does not deter either men or women from acquiring another pair of sunglasses, a response that reflects the substantial impact that being without sunglasses has on a number of activities and behaviors.

Since the use of sunglasses is more heavily associated with participation in outdoor activities and since women are less likely than men to have and actually use glasses for outdoor use such as prescription sunglasses, we might expect that men would be more likely to wear sunglasses than women. Those women who do wear sunglasses, however, are as likely as men who wear sunglasses to prefer the newer fashion styles, to be more likely with age to adopt sunglasses as a solution for both decreased vision and the repair of physical facial losses, and more likely to have worn glasses when they were alone and to have adopted attitudes positively against elders' glasses. When it is pleasant, even indoors, women are willing to wear glasses all day long in response to the treatment cues of sun which stimulate and support the display of sunglasses behavior. Women are more successful than men at controlling children's sunglasses display. In summary, although men are somewhat more limited than women in forming new favorable attitudes toward glasses indicating a degree of plasticity, the effects of wearing glasses are rather similar for both sexes. Personality differences remain relatively constant. Sunglasses will no doubt aid the promotion of sunbathing in a number of groups by preserving the seemingly characteristic appearance, at least while in public. The ability to shape the impression conveyed in social relationships - promoting social worth - is an additional sign of importance for female sunglasses adopters.

10.1. Gender-specific Trends

10.1. Gender-specific Trends

An individual's choice of clothing may be a form of non-verbal communication that signals the wearer's identity, in that these garments may reflect a symbol of their femininity or masculinity. Men have typically been rejected from being satisfied with a limited range of apparel. The change in men's attitudes has been noticed in recent years, and this can be seen as a result of the men's movement. In addition, society seems to have become more androgynous and receptive to non-traditional male stereotypes, although certain restrictions or prescribed rules to conform to the limits of behavior still persist. Clothing that displays individualism appears to be valued by males.

When a consumer model is applied to purchasing men's apparel, it can be seen that decisions are complex to explain. They are influenced by lifestyle patterns, personal life events, dollar allocations for clothing, economic conditions, fashion consciousness, nature of work and leisure patterns, and subjective evaluations of one's body shape. In addition, these decisions are to some extent influenced by certain perceptions of cognitive dissonance, shopping or making decisions in a store, and store image. In terms of fashion sensibility, men also have a wide range of tastes. It would seem that some men inherit a particular type of fashion through a process of socialization.

10.2. Unisex Styles

The concept of unisex fashion is relatively recent, mainly associated with the exploration of the male figure by the female. It would seem that men loaded any stigma associated with the effort that enhanced their masculinity through their appearance; thus, male apparel innovations have taken more time to develop. Because of the familiar attitude currently taking place on the part of women, almost all articles of feminine clothing have become acceptable for use by men. The main unisex styles of sunglasses were born during the period of the American Civil War, period used to distinguish, for the first time, a pair of temple-displayed glasses from an artistic piece until the spring-loaded assembly of frames of proportional development was invented seventy-five years after its first appearance on the market.

Curiosity led us to explore our oldest inventory, discovering the presence of spring-loaded unisex sunglasses from the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the last century. Always elegant, independent of women’s tastes, with forward lines and giving a strong emphasis on the contours of the lenses, the American people traditionally preferred aviator designs when they began to explore the sexy and intelligent male representation. We find, but in a smaller number than initially perceived, other models adapted to both gender´s facial structures, and in many cases heard comments related to the puffins that they seemed to emulate, with their brightly colored beaks and neon fixations used as prey, before the start of the bloody journey along the history of the human eye.

11. Ethical and Sustainable Practices in Sunglasses Industry

The impact of sunglasses on fashion trends and consumer behavior in the USA refers to ethics and the practices of disclosures in marketing, environmental practices, fair trade of labor, as well as consumer issues. In a globally expanding world, ethical practices are slowly gaining attention from celebrity endorsers, bringing in the quest for designer eyewear that is manufactured with the least amount of cruelty to animals and abuse to labor worldwide. In the United States, where the concept of environmentalism and humanitarianism is gaining popularity as a marketing tool, ethical marketing is on an exponential rise as organizations strive to utilize ethical supply chains in their dealings. Additionally, research found that half of global consumers are willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies committed to positive social and environmental impact. Even multinational companies have committed to making their products more sustainable in recent years. Ethical marketers in the eyewear industry have started to use sustainable and renewable resources, eco-friendly materials, environmental protection, and energy reduction techniques in order to market to their consumers.

The impact of social corporate responsibility is embraced as more consumers are educated and hold companies accountable for their practices and environmental abuses. Ethical issues also arise for advertising, which incorporates the ability of a firm to disclose the environmental impact of its practices and decisions to its consumers and stakeholders. Guidance comes in the form of industry associations, which have stated that truth in advertising, marketing, and labeling is essential to a sustainable economy, influencing consumers’ buying choices and protecting their health and safety, as well as the workers who design, produce, and distribute products. Data from a survey on social responsibility and environmental sustainability show that a significant portion of the American market prefers a more responsible type of business. Clothing, eyewear, and shoes are considered “ethical trendy” products as they are easily visible to the outside world. With a rising number of companies now committed to environmental and social sustainability, several issues have been raised with the use of marketing practices to push the organization's commitment, place a customer price, and possibly affect attitude and purchase decisions. A price-conscious consumer may opt for a product that is green, but only if the additional cost is low or zero, as the value of ethical benefits obtained by purchasing the product outweighs the cost. Studies have suggested that consumers are not willing to bear a higher cost associated with ethical behavior. Companies are now incorporating philanthropy into marketing, referred to as cause branding, which is aimed at instilling a positive image in the minds of consumers. Children’s products should be in line with the parents’ core values and the child’s future well-being, which may lead to the development of personal responsibility or spending behaviors, as shown by how the clothing and eyewear market has adapted to fit these norms, including more responsibly built materials that perpetuate values and morals in a sustainable lifestyle.

12. The Influence of Seasonality on Sunglasses Trends

In the last two decades, the sunglass industry has overcome the obstacles posed by seasonality and has succeeded in changing the American consumer perception that wearing sunglasses is appropriate only during the summertime. Today, Americans wear chic sunglasses outdoors almost all year round, and sunglasses have become very popular decorative fashion accessories. How have sunglass retailers achieved this remarkable change in consumer behavior? In order to better understand the sunglass market cycle and the impact of sunglass retailers during low season, it is important to emphasize that after the winter holidays buying wave, sunglasses are a part of the retailers’ hard goods merchandise category. It is important to mention that this latter sunglass market is cyclical and seasonal, with a sales peak during the months of March to September and with a sales trough from October to February.

Selling sunglasses outside the high season has been very challenging for sunglass retailers. The increasingly intense negative store-based sunglass competition has posed obstacles that retail price promotions and off-price marketing cannot alleviate. As a result, sunglass sales during low season have shown different intensity, gathering in specific favorable sunglass occasions appearing in the months of August and November. Sunglasses hot spots were activated through in-store simulations. These endeavoring and incongruent results indicate that major sunglasses retailers concentrated their efforts to sell sunglasses, capturing the American sun-loving consumers’ biannual demand peak. These immense commercial efforts are significant since many sunglass markets normally follow cyclical sunglass market characteristics, which might not always be in equilibrium with the price, cost, product, and behavioral market segments. The channels used to influence ethical consumption and the purchase of expensive designer sunglass brands are discussed.

13. The Future of Sunglasses in Fashion and Consumer Behavior

Based on the projected growth of the United States sunglass market, the evolution of sunglasses as fashion accessories, and the expanded activities of sunglass firms, it is clear that more Americans will be wearing stylish sunglasses for many seasons to come. Future generations will carry on the present-day trend of wearing stylish sunglasses in addition to the now fashionable suntan. This projected increase translates into a golden opportunity for retailers. Retailers who offer a wide selection, current styles, and good quality at reasonable prices are in the best position to meet the demand for fashion sunglasses. As more and more Americans seek some protection from the sun's harmful rays, future spring and summer fashion shows are likely to include not only wide-brimmed hats and conservative clothing, but an increasing number of stylish sunglasses. All Americans, particularly those who spend an extensive amount of time outdoors, may well benefit in the long run if this trend indeed develops in producing a marked increase in sunglass usage. It is not merely a trend to protect the eyes from the sun, but a welcome change in consumer behavior to exhibit fashion consciousness for the eyes.

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